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October 14, 2011

We Need Questions For A Interview With Lars Gustavsson

In just a couple of hours, LevelUpTimes will be interviewing DICE's Creative Director and Lead Designer of Battlefield 3, Lars Gustavsson. And they want you to generate some questions for them to ask him!

Since DICE has been more open with press, he might answer questions that before would have been classified. So ask a crazy question and it might get answered! So how do you ask the question? Well you can comment down below and tell them what to ask, or you can ask them on their facebook or tweet them on twitter @theleveluptimes.

After the interview is released we will link you to it through a post, teasing you with one question, and a summery on the interview. So get asking!

If you would like to stay the most up to date with Battlefield 3 follow our feed or follow us on twitter @battlefieldlog.


will death count before revive carry on to final version. It should be like bf2 where deaths do not count if revived?

Will they remove kill-cam, are there gonna be 6 man squads and VOIP in game. Thank you

Tell me...Lincoln or Cadillac?

Why cant consoles have 32 player max?

are you tweaking the handling of the jets and choppers, so it plays more like battlefield 2?

Why are there no variations of the XM8 at all? Bad Company had 3, BF3 has 0?

Will more extensive weapons statistics be shown, so we can compare each gun with each other, albeit through the game or a separate guide?

There must be an easier way to find out which gun has the best accuracy within their class or which has the best stability. I know we can find out which one has the fastest rate of fire, since that stat was given in game within the beta and the caliber the gun uses... but this does not show all the stats needed to compare the weapons effectively.

Why, in the year 2011, have they deliberately excluded VOIP as a communication option?!
Why are flag-to-flag distances on Caspian Border identical in console and PC versions, when that obliterates most of the PC's big-map advantage?
Is the PC really "lead platform" if map design is being constrained by console considerations?

Questions brought by TheWhiskeyGuy.

Thank you,

Why did you guys rush to make BF3, instead of just working on it for an extra year to do everything you want? You use the fact that you were in a time crunch, as an excuse for leaving out many features. You should of just not announced the game when you guys got in everything you wanted.

will private matches have a number requirement like in bc2?

can we completely rid the game of spotting?

how will console server browsing work and can we host our own servers

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