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October 7, 2011

Why You Shouldn't Cancel Your Battlefield 3 Pre-order

After the Battlefield 3 beta was released over 35,000 people canceled their pre-orders for Battlefield 3. Im guessing they all did this because of extreme lag and glitches in the game that those people just couldn't handle. But Today I'm going to convince you why you shouldn't cancel your Battlefield 3 preorder. 

The first thing is if you are thinking about canceling because of your beta experiences, DONT! The game is not even finish yet and even after they have to print the games they will continue to work and it and release a Multiplayer update most likely on release date. Plus they can update the game (even the single-player) whenever they want so they can continually put out bug and glitch patches. So if this is your reason you should if you already canceled preorder again or if you haven't but are considering DONT cancel!

The next reason is most likely that the Graphics on the console are disappointing and not good. If this is you trust me, the graphics will be much better in the full game due to the beta not having some things render on the maps making them less beautiful. Also if you are on Xbox 360 the second disk that will come with the game will give you far better textures with technology that could potentially make the 360 version look better than a PC's. But we do not know about it being better than PC for sure but its could happen. So if this is your reason for canceling, well you will be surprised when the full game goes live.

And the last reason is that Battlefield 3 won't be as good as MW3 now that I've played the beta. Trust me on this one, Battlefield 3 will be much better than MW2.5 and I'm not being bias. The Call of Duty franchise has lost at least my interest past COD4 since the game has just been replicated over and over again with different skins but in the case between MW2 and MW3 they look identical with different features and a new story. I used to play Call of Duty when I was playing with my school friends which refuse to play Battlefield. But now I just won't play with them because its just so washed out in my opinion. If you want a new and fresh game then go with Battlefield 3. And if you dont agree with the repetitiveness of the COD series you are one ignorant nut.But I'm not telling you which game to get, I'm just expressing my opinion.

I hope that some of you read this and got a water bucket to the face on choices. And if you dont agree with me tell me what you think in the comments below. And if you have some COD fanboy friends you can share this with go right ahead.

 If you would like to stay the most up to date with Battlefield 3 follow our feed or newsletter. And if you have a twitter follow us on there for probably the most up to date news on BF3 at @battlefieldlog. And trust me, I'm always on there.


Bf3 "XBox" beta needed better reflective glossy lighting, hopefully they are working on that too, and please fix sensibility issues in xbox. Give us aerial view of map this beautiful maps after died. And clearer visibility all around the map, You do that, I wont cancel,Promise. I ♥ DICE!

i dont think the grafics will be beter then pc because pc got much better grapic cards then xbox and ps3

Two things: first of all, I teach writing in college and considering you are running a blog here, you should learn to write or find someone else to write or edit your posts. Secondly: the textures are available on ps3 as well, since the ps3 uses bluray discs which can hold more information it is simply included on the main disc.

35,000 people don't know what a beta is or even that the build was probably Alpha. haha n00bs

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