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July 1, 2011

Battlefield 3 Team Deathmatch Confirmed

With Dice implementing Team Deathmatch into Battlefield 3 it is obvious they are trying to get Call of Duty players over to Battlefield. Team Deathmatch has been a favorite for most Call of Duty players since the game first came out. With this also comes a different factor. Call of Duty players will stick with Team Deathmatch while the native Battlefield players will play more original game types like Rush or Conquest. Which is a good thing since most Battlefield players are mad at the fact that many Call of Duty players are going to get into the Battlefield series.

Tell us what you think about Dice's move to put Team Deathmatch in Battlefield 3 in the comments down below. To get a quick link to when we put up a new post on BattlefieldLOG follow us on twitter @BattlefieldLOG


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