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November 14, 2011

Battlefield 3 MAV Soldier Tranport; Patch Needed?

The MAV has been used in Battlefield 3 for multiple n00by things since even the beta. From Road killing people with it or placing C4 on it, fly by an enemy and detonating it. And this video is no exception to the n00byness of the MAV.

This video below shows someone transporting people places on the MAV. You do this by placing s MAV on the ground, then a teammate jumping on the MAV and you can take them anywhere above them. This can help snipers get into amazing sniping positions that cannot be reached by foot. Such as a atop a building in Operation Metro, or a tower on Caspian Border. This tactic is extremely effective and in most cases give a big advantage to the sniper in that position. 

Tell us what you think about this MAV transport and if DICE should attempt to patch it in the comments below.

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Hmm, yeah I think it should be patched, cause it gives a pretty big advantage, but on the other hand I can see why people are doing this and it can probably be fun :d idk, it's kind of a glitch, but maybe they don't need to fix it.

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