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November 13, 2011

Battlefield 3 HUD Disappearing Bug; Many Other BF3 Bugs

Some players including me have been experiencing a bug that makes the HUD totally disappear while playing Battlefield 3 multiplayer. I had this happen to me last night while playing Rush on Tehran Highway. There is not much known about to though and causes are most often caused by getting in a vehicle. I hopped in a vehicle and it disappeared, but when I hopped back out there still was no HUD. The HUD bug only lasted for that game though because after the game ended and I started a new one it was no longer there.

This is a extremely annoying bug that hopefully will be fixed in the next BF3 Patch. Since it is basically like a hardcore hardcore mode and is extremely hard to play with, we found some ways that you can troubleshoot this bug. Here is a list of some:
  • Quitting the game and joining back.
  • Die, then get revived.
  • Go to the scoreboard through the menu then going back into the game.
  • Switching teams.
NOTE: We do not know 100% if all of these will work for all cases.
Some other bugs we came across were your gun disappearing and not being visible again until you die. A glitch where if you pull out your grenade launcher at a certain time the aiming crosshairs will merge with your gun crosshairs. Tell us what you think about these annoying bugs in the comments below.


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