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November 4, 2011

Battlefield 3 New Game Mode, New Way To Unlock, And Much More!

Today DICE released a plethora of new information of things to come for Battlefield 3 through their Battlefield Blog. Things including Fixes, to more info on Back to Karkand, and much more. There are some announcements, and some statements. And some of these things I'm sure you want to see.

Some interesting things said in the post is that Back to Karkand will be purchasable for $14.99 USD, 1200 Mircrosoft points, or or the equivalent of your local currency. But of course if you have Battlefield 3 Limited Edition you get it free of charge. 
Another thing that will hopefully make you jump is the semi announcement a new Game mode called Conquest Assault, but they haven't spread any news about that just yet though. Adding onto that there is something new they will be rolling out "Assignments" for people who love their persistence. You apparently need these "Assignments" to complete unlocks, but they haven't given us much info on this as well.

They talk as well about the winning name for a contest to name a control point for conquest on the upcoming Back to Karkand map, Gulf of Oman. He named the checkpoint Veteran's Retreat, nice name eh? And last but not least, DICE will be rolling the 'Physical Warfare Pack' out to everyone soon, but no date has been released at this moment. All this news is extremely awesome and I hope DICE is working as hard as they can to alleviate as many glitches and problems as possible. Hope you have nice day, see you on the battlefield!

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Conquest assault will only be in Back to Karkand, I think.

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