Joystiq recently got to play Battlefield 3: Aftershock, the iOS version of Battlefield 3. As of now the game is in alpha stage and decent graphics for an iOS game. Even though iOS defiantly won't be bringing in the majority of DICE's cash, but surly can bring people playing on iOS to the series on console or PC.
Right now, there really isn't a game plan for Battlefield 3 on iOS. Full multiplayer support over WiFi and local wireless have made it into EA's admittedly vague hopes for the game, and the publisher is also toying with a dual currency scheme -- grind currency (your time) and premium currency (your money). Ideally, in-game currency would unlock different kits and weapons.
Players will have persistent gear and levels, much like Battlefield 3 proper -- but most of the menus I saw had placeholder art and descriptions, so it's hard to be sure of what will be in the final product.
It's fairly certain that Battlefield 3: Aftershock will have separate single-player and multiplayer components, kind of like what was on offer in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on iOS. There will be a campaign mode that plays like Horde in Gears of War (e.g. waves of enemies come and you shoot them), but the multiplayer scope this time is a bit bigger. Battlefield 3: Aftershock will have a competitive multiplayer experience that aims to be on-par with its console brethren, but it wasn't available for me to check out, sadly. Read more...
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