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February 18, 2012

Battlefield 3: Patch Notes for Next Big BF3 Balance Patch | 2.19.12 [UPDATED]

A post on the EA forums by a user named Symthic us a full list of what will most likely be the final patch notes for a huge upcoming patch that's release date isn't known.

These patch notes came straight from DICE, confirmed by Alan Kertz (Demize99):

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UPDATE: Added PDW Damage changes
1. Damage changes
Assault Rifles:
All assault rifles except G3A1
Min damage 17 -> 18.4

Min Damage 20 -> 22
Max damage 30 -> 34

Min Damage 17 -> 20

M60 & M240B
Max damage 30 -> 34
Min damage 20 -> 22

Min damage 20 -> 22

M249, M27IAR, RPK-74M
Min damage 17 -> 18.4

Sniper rifles
All sniper rifles:
Upper chest damage multiplier 1 -> 1.25
Note that all the bolt-action sniper rifles will 1hit kill under distances of 15 meters

Max damage 95 -> 80
Dropoff start dist. 20 -> 15
Dropoff end dist. 75 -> 120

All other bolt-action sniper rifles
Max damage 75 -> 80
Min damage 55 -> 59

Dropoff start dist. 20 -> 15
Dropoff end dist. 75 -> 100

All semiautomatic sniper rifles except SKS:
Min damage: 34 -> 37.5
Dropoff start distance 12 -> 15

Dropoff end distance 50 -> 60

12g Slug (Auto & Semiauto)
Max damage 50 -> 75
Min damage 34 -> 37.5
Dropoff start dist. 8 -> 15
Dropoff end dist. 40 -> 50

12g Slug (Pump-action)
Min damage 34 -> 37.5
Dropoff start dist. 8 -> 15
Dropoff end dist. 40 -> 50

12g Frag (Auto & Semiauto)
Some weird things in the files, not 100% sure about frags yet.
Looks like only the min direct damage is reduced from 10 to 5

12g Frag (Pump-action)
Max direct hit damage 60 -> 67
Blast damage 30 -> 40

12g Buckshot
Max damage 20 -> 12.5
Dropoff start dist. 4 -> 8
Dropoff end dist. 25 -> 30

12g Flechette
Max damage 14.3 -> 11.2
Min damage 8.4 -> 8

Dropoff start dist. 12 -> 15
Dropoff end dist. 25 -> 30

P90 & MP7
Min damage 10 -> 11
Drop-off end dist. 50 -> 40

Min damage 10 -> 12.5

Min damage 12.5 -> 14.3
Drop-off start dist. 8 -> 4
Drop-off end dist. 50 -> 30

Min damage 16.7 -> 18.4
Drop-off start dist. 8 -> 4
Drop-off end dist. 50 -> 40

Min damage 9.1 -> 12.5
Drop-off end dist. 50 -> 40

Min damage 12.5 -> 13.75
2. Attachments

Fore grip
Basically before it reduced the horizontal recoil by 50%, in these files it reduces h-recoil only ~20-33% depending on weapon.
It also increases the minimum spread 20% ~ 50% depending on stance and weapon.

Suppressors will not reduce the damage anymore.
Now it will reduce the distance where damage starts/stops to drop off instead.
For most weapons it will decrease the min spread by 25% instead of 50%
Although looks like M60 will still have the same 50% effect.

Heavy barrel
For most of the weapons it decreases ADS min spread by 75 or 50% depending on weapon.
Recoil is still increased by 10 or 15% and HIP min spread by 20-25% depending on weapon.

It doesn't make AN94 100% accurate anymore while aiming down the sight.
Reduces ADS min spread by 75% and only increases recoil by 10%, the hip fire penalty is 20% for AN94
G3A1 is same than AN94 except heavy barrel increases recoil 6.7% and hip fire is increased only 14.3%

For few weapons it also makes Spread increase per shot 10% higher.

It will also increase drop-off end distance by 50% making weapons more deadly at ranges between 50m and 90m, depending on weapon.

Flash suppressor
Will decrease recoil by 17 ~ 25% depending on weapon.
For most weapons it increases hip min spread by 20~25% but some weapons don't have any hip accuracy penalty.

Extended magazine
There seems to be extended magazine for AS VAL which didn't exist before.
With ext mag it will have 30 bullets in a mag instead of 20

3. Accuracy changes

Assault rifles
Recoil right 0.5 -> 0.3
ADS Min Spread, Not moving 0.2 -> 0.4

Recoil up 0.3 -> 0.28
FirstSRecoilMul 2 -> 1.5

Recoil up 0.45 -> 0.3
FirstSRecoilMul 1.5 -> 2

Recoil up 0.3 -> 0.26

Recoil left 0.6 -> 0.35
Recoil right 0.6 -> 0.5
Recoil decrease 15 -> 18

FirstSRecoilMul 2 -> 2.6

Recoil up 0.55 -> 0.45
FirstSRecoilMul 1.2 -> 1.8

Recoil left 0.4 -> 0.3
Recoil decrease 22 -> 18
Min spread, ADS, not moving 0.4 -> 0.2

FirstSRecoilMul 2 -> 2.4

Recoil up 0.3 -> 0.28
FirstSRecoilMul 2 -> 2.2

Recoil up 0.3 -> 0.28
Recoil left 0.3 -> 0.2
Recoil right 0.5 -> 0.35

Recoil decrease 22 -> 18

Recoil decrease 15 -> 13

Recoil up 0.3 -> 0.25
FirstSRecoilMul 2.5 -> 2.2

Recoil left 0.5 -> 0.335
Recoil right 0.5 -> 0.335

Recoil decrease 22 -> 18
Min spread, ADS, not moving 0.4 -> 0.5


FirstSRecoilMul 1 -> 1.7

FirstSRecoilMul 1 -> 2.2
Recoil decrease 15 -> 12

FirstSRecoilMul 2 -> 1.5

Recoil decrease 15 -> 13
FirstSRecoilMul 1 -> 1.8

Recoil up 0.75 -> 0.65
Recoil decrease 7 -> 13

FirstSRecoilMul 1 -> 1.5
Max spread, ADS, not moving 1 -> 3

Recoil left 0.4 -> 0.3
Recoil right 0.4 -> 0.3

Recoil decrease 15 -> 12
FirstSRecoilMul 1.34 -> 1.5

Recoil decrease 15 -> 13
FirstSRecoilMul 2 -> 1.8

Recoil up 0.45 -> 0.37
Recoil left 0.1 -> 0.4
Recoil right 0.3 -> 0.4
FirstSRecoilMul 1 -> 2
Recoil decrease 15 -> 13

Recoil left 0.2 -> 0.25
Recoil right 0.3 -> 0.45
Recoil decrease 22 -> 18

Recoil decrease 22 -> 18
FirstSRecoilMul 2.5 -> 2
Min spread, ADS, not moving 0.4 -> 0.5
Min spread, ADS, moving 0.6 -> 0.8
Min spread, HIP, not moving
^ Standing 1.5 -> 2
^ Crouching 1 -> 1.5
^ Prone 0.75 -> 1
Min spread, HIP, moving
^ Standing 2 -> 2.5
^ Crouching 1.5 -> 2
^ Prone 1.25 -> 1.5

Min spread, HIP, not moving, prone & crouching 0.75 -> 1.2
Min spread, HIP,moving, prone & crouching 1.25 -> 1.5

Min spread, HIP, not moving, prone & crouching 0.75 -> 1.2
Min spread, HIP,moving, prone & crouching 1.25 -> 1.5

Recoil decrease 25 -> 20

FirstSRecoilMul 2.5 -> 2
Min spread, HIP, not moving, prone & crouching 0.75 -> 1.2
Min spread, HIP,moving, prone & crouching 1.25 -> 1.5

Min spread, HIP, not moving, prone & crouching 0.75 -> 1.2
Min spread, HIP,moving, prone & crouching 1.25 -> 1.5

Min spread, HIP, not moving, prone & crouching 0.75 -> 1.2
Min spread, HIP,moving, prone & crouching 1.25 -> 1.5


Recoil up 0.7 -> 0.5

RecoilDecrease 15 -> 30

Recoil up 0.5 -> 0.4
Recoil left 0.4 -> 0.2
Recoil right 0.4 -> 0.2
FirstSRecoilMul 2.5 -> 2

.44 Magnum
Spread increase 0.6 -> 0.3

Source: Symthic

Via: Battlefield 3 EA Forum


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