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December 14, 2011

Battlefield 3: Comrose Coming to Consoles?

Comrose is on PC, a all-in-one tool. You can use it for callouts such as "give me some ammo!" or "I need a medic!" so players can communicate simply to get help. Yet, on console you can just press the 'start' button when your near teammates with for example, ammo, and he will--if anywhere near smart-- throw you a ammo crate. 

Now, Thomas Danko, VO Producer at DICE, was recently asked if the comrose would possibly make it to consoles. He replied by saying, "it’s a matter of finding an unused button on the controller…", which is a very positive statement. But if it does come, it might be a combination of two buttons making it difficult for some people to master. 

Nevertheless, if the comrose does come to consoles, it will be one useful tool for some people. Tell us what you think about comrose on consoles in the comments below. Check out earlier Battlefield 3 news! Back to Karkand out; Physical Warfare Pack Free + More

Source: MP1st


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