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March 7, 2012

New Battlefield 3 DLC Expansions announced

DICE has just announced three new DLC's that will start releasing this summer. Coming, of course, so Playstation 3 first.

The first expansion, coming this June to Playstation first, is called Close Quarters. It focuses on tight infantry battles on smaller maps and will include 10 additional weapons. This DLC sounds more like a CoD fan advert than a DLC for real Battlefield fans, which have already been complaining about the small map sizes.

The next expansion announced--with no release date announced--will be named Armored Kill. Its all about the vehicles and will include the largest multiplayer map that DICE has ever made. Featuring new drivable tanks, ATVs, mobile artillery and more. It will be interesting if this one leads up to its nice description.

And the last expansion announced is called End Game. But DICE is all hush about this expansion, which their defiantly good at doing. This will be here by winter of 2012.

Pricing for all of these details will most likely be $15.00 or 1200 MS Points, but it's not confirmed.
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