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June 22, 2011

Improved Hit detection in Battlefield 3?

Today I was playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 and I couldn't stand but noticing the horrible hit detection. I was using the M16A2 and Shot whole clips into a guy then hit him a couple of times with my pistol to after still find out he was alive. Also if you look closely by maybe capturing the gameplay with a capture card and slowing it down see that sometimes when you hit someone there will be no hit-marker and if you dont sometimes there will be a hit-marker. Also if you look at the blood, it will come out of the opposing characters and not give you a hit-marker.

After looking through all of that I just am hoping that Battlefield 3 isn't the same way and the fixed the hit detection in the new Frostbite 2.0 Engine.

Please comment down below on anything else you found about problems with hit detection or anything about Battlefield Bad Company 2 and we will write about it with full credit to you.

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Remove the hit detection for BF3. That stuff is annoying!

the hit detection in battlefield 3 is garbage and makes me not want to play this i would like to know what the hell they fixed did this guy even play his own game before he ran his mouth

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