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July 25, 2011

Server Disconnection Issues in BFBC2

If anyone has played Battlefield Bad Company 2 you'd know that it is a very compelling experience. 
The multiplayer is competitive and is very addictive. Lately though it has been plagued with various server issues. Personal experiences of mine have the outcome of disconnecting me when my internet connection is perfect and erasing both my stats and guns. I'm honestly no server expert but EA being the behemoth it is should really be looking into this problem. It kind of ruins the experience (doesn't stop me from playing though). Now some of you might say," But hey Battlefield 3 is in the horizon forget BFBC2!" I'd response some thing like this, “Yes sir you are completely correct but the same servers that were used in BFBC2 are going to be implemented into Battlefield 3." This is a very serious, I mean Battlefield 3 is going to be huge BFBC2 won't compare really. My point really is it be better to fix it right now than to face the consequences later. Hey if DICE has an Ace up their sleeve and implements newer better servers then by all means go ahead! What I am saying don't let one little mistake take out a beautiful game. The main attraction of the Battlefield series has always been the multiplayer, having faulty servers doesn't seem to be the right thing to do. So that’s it I'm all done ranting about this, Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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By Our New Writer, Francisco Figueroa


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