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October 26, 2011

Battlefield 3 First Impressions On Console

After a couple hours of playing online and single-player I can finally make a first impressions on Battlefield 3. This will be a non-bias impressions since I'm not being pressured or paid to make the game look good. This is my full and honest opinion on Battlefield 3 so far.

First we should look at the multiplayer. Now multiplayer for Battlefield 3 feels much different than DICE's previous Battlefield game, Battlefield: Bad Company 2. The game feels a lot more fast paced with many more play styles and more options. As far as the maps go, some of them are iffy while some of them are just a pleasure to play on.

For example, Grand Bazaar is a very small map that has a number of choke points in rush and conquest, which makes it very hard to move around the map freely without getting pinned down in a passageway or road. While on the other hand, Kharg Island is a very large map with a lot of area to move around in, while not often getting pinned down unless you are around a flag on conquest. But on the rush mode of Kharg Island it is a very choke pointy map with not much room to work with, but rush in general is very hard to work with--especially with prone and small Area of Operations to more around and flank on.
Conquest is very fun on most all maps since most maps are very large, giving you a lot of room to flank as well as other tactical maneuvers. Yet, Rush seems to me as a very annoying and boring gametype, as with Bad Company 2, I really enjoyed Rush. Maps on rush are very choke pointed with not enough room and too many places to setup shop and mow down enemy's on defense. But some people seem to enjoy rush, it really is all up to your forte. 

That is my first impressions on my first 5 or so hours play Battlefield 3 on the Xbox 360. Expect a full review of the game as well as a rating in the upcoming weeks. Tell me what your first impressions of Battlefield 3 are in the comments below. If you would like to stay the most up to date with Battlefield 3 follow our feed, twitter @battlefieldlog, or like our facebook page!


Does conquest still have the regular number of vehicles as compared to rush?

While I do agree with your point about the Rush mode having a tighter area of play. I believe Rush and Conquest are the best gameplay styles in multiplayer hands down. Also the Rush mode is choked down for the reason that you are supposed to break through the enemies defenses with smart teamplay, cover fire and communication. If it wasn't set-up in this way everyone would just run way out and around sneaking to stations and destroying them way to easy. The biggest problem I see in the multiplayer in BF3 is something they fixed in BF:BC2, blacking out the spawn area so the defenders can't run into the attackers spawn area and get uber spawn camp kills.

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