Since a lot of people are getting Battlefield 3 early either through Gamestop employees or some other way. People have been playing the campaign quite a bit. After getting a comparison of the campaign between the HD Textures on and off. We can just say before you read the article that downloading the textures will be 100% mandatory for have a good time playing this game after all the great graphics hype. I'm not trying to put DICE, (my favorite developer) down.
And I don't really want to say it but without the HD textures on the game almost looks worse than Treyarch's CoD engine. Every small object is blurred, there are very small objects that are in the HD texture that are missing in the non-HD screenshot. All I can say is its a hot mess. Yet, its sad to say its too late to fix now. Since PS3 will have the HD textures pre-loaded in their blu-ray disc, they are already covered. But for people with older xbox 360's with maybe only 20GB's of storage of Arcades, you will have a hard time enjoying the graphics of this game. But if you don't have the 1.5GB's required to download this I recommend you clear out you hard drive, because those texture packs are going to be mandatory. Or if you do have no or little space left, I would recommend going out and getting a 2GB USB thumb drive to download the textures on.
I know that since all the hype on Frostbite 2 and the amazing graphics that will be in the game but the Xbox seems to be at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to DICE feeding them with good graphics. Even though we saw that awesome Xbox 360 trailer of Operation Guillotine that had very good graphics, we thought that the HD textures would bring the Consoles almost up to snuff with PC's. Well in that gameplay the textures were obviously being used. It was wrong of DICE to make it sound like the HD textures would make the graphics much better, well it did, but when the graphics before the textures are terrible it doesn't mean much.
Once again it shows how DICE really is a true PC developer, not giving consoles, that are in fact at the end of their life cycle a good piece of the pie. Even though they stress over and over how old and hard the consoles are to work with, they still could have do much better. Even after all of this the graphic's in the beta weren't even of full potential on consoles so if you have those HD textures installed, expect some awesome graphics as far as console's go. But if you don't have the hard drive space for you Xbox 360 I highly recommend you find a way to get it.
uhm dont understand your point. DICE repeatedly told us that the performance on consoles is the ulti they can reach with xbox and ps3 hardware. so dont complain about it and stop trolling dice . be happy that they released it on xbox and ps3 and not only on pc
I agree with the guy up there. People seriously need to stop thinking that 5 year old hardware can run the latest and greatest without lots of sacrifices. Either quit bitching about graphics or get a decent pc
I've been playing it for about 2day's along with the graphics I was bummed about not having 3d support on the consoles. also the campaign mode feels like MW3 "Linear". There are big glitches in the campaign mode. Windows that should be breakable, people shooting at you through and dead door, there a spot on the game called comrades where it won't let your move forward. had to reset the PS3(2month old) the multi player seems pretty sold.
Develop some better grammatical skills before you dime out dev's that made every effort to make the game look as good as possible on aging (practically antiquated if you consider where the rest of technology is now) equipment.
It's people like you that feed the fanboy wars.
it seems, there aren't any problems here to solve...
This is a very poorly written article.
It's because the DVD drive on the xbox doesn't have enough bandwidth to stream the textures, that's why you need to install the hd texture pack to the hdd for it to work. Dice did a great job, just very limited on what they had to work with. They made a game that is so detailed the xbox can't even stream the textures through it's DVD drive, I'd say dice did a good job.
The article is complaining about installable HD textures that DICE generously provided?
The PC gamers didn't even get to play Battlefield 1943!!! Even after EA promised that they will get it too and then delayed the PC version for months only to...I don't know. There weren't any news anymore about that game for the PC. It just died and everyone never mentioned it anymore.
There are so many games that require patches, installs, peripherals etc. This is just a requirement for having the best experience with the game. So unless you can develop a better engine for such a limited spec console, stay quiet and enjoy the game.
Besides, its about time console gamers felt the "PC port" side of things :P
Is it weird at all that your calling the optional HD Textures pack mandatory?
it's mandatory on the PS3, and judging by how poor it looks without, it's almost a must tbh.
This clown ontop saying he's been playing for 2 days now and says there's allot of glitches in the campaign. There's a day one patch you need to install. I doubt the patch is live yet considering there's a few more days till official release. Fool.
He means mandatory if you want quality. I don't have a gaming PC unfortunately. But this was originally a PC game so we should be happy to even get it. Many were disappointed in Crysis 2 because they expected the consoles to put out PC graphics. I have no clue as to why people would think that. Anyhow, the texture pack is a huge step forward for consoles. And its only 1.5GB on the Xbox. Half the demos I download from XBL exceed that! This is really not worth complaining about.
O I C thx for clearing that up guys! :)
AS a true PS3 gamer, for once i agree with al the PC gamers in here...
Xbox users should have thought about space requirement when they bought the damn thing!
Msot have a arcade with what? 4GB?
Compare that with the ps3 max 1TB and PC endless!
As for the last commenter. No. Everybody I know owns 360 and at the very least they have a 20GB.
And I'm tired of hearing the "Just be happy with what you have console gamers." The reason DICE is getting flooded is because they've decided to alienate console gamers by not bringing a true BF game to the systems and now hardcore console players are wondering why they're getting the lesser product. Now please PC addicts, stop sounding like stuck up dickheads every time a senseless PS3/360 owner asks why they don't get 64 players and just be happy you're getting the better version.
that you even think to say that the PC people should regard themselves as lucky, and that you call them addicts, really say how wrong you look at this, it's not the PC gamers fault that people are starting to realize that the console is useless, and has been for many years. PC gamers have been treated as crap for years, now it's their turn. In the end, it's the console players fault for choosing the lesser of the options available
I'm confused. Why do people think a 5 year old piece of hardware that cost £300 (back then) will be able to match a brand new PC worth over a grand?
Tech has moved forward. DICE seem to have put alot of effort into making it as good as possible on consoles. If you don't like it, how about you just don't buy it?
To be honest, I'm just glad with what they did, I'm just going to install that HD Texture pack on my PS3, I've got enough room, and enjoy the game. I have heard from some people the campaign is a bit dissapointing, but I don't care, they'll probably fix a lot in the day 1 patch :)
Still can't wait!
I laugh at the people saying "just be glad they made it for xbox" If Dice wanted to make any signifigant amount of money they'd HAVE to make it for consoles, because those titles sell signifigantly better across the board no ifs ands or buts about it.
As for the's nice...nothing amazing though visually and gameplay wise it's pretty bland.. There is nothing that makes this more than a "graphical improvement on the same game" Halo much?
"and we thought that the HD textures would bring the Consoles up to snuff with PC's"
You're freakin kidding right? Come on... I mean COME ON. You cant be that dumb.
"The reason DICE is getting flooded is because they've decided to alienate console gamers by not bringing a true BF game to the systems "
Erm... because the consoles aren't powerful enough to handle one. Pretty clear, it's not like Dice have been CONSTANTLY answering this question at every single PR event related to the game.
This is why you have ps3s.......
PS3 doesn't need to download texture pack!!! It's already on the blu-ray disc!
You all dont know what you are talking about. The fact that PC gamers are saying consoles are dying is just stupid. Console sales are only going up, mostly do to the fact they cost 1/3 the price of a PC. Oh, btw you can get a 250 gb hard drive for under 50 dollars for an xbox. Look up your facts before you make an ass of yourself
I'm trying out GameFly for a few months and am impressed they were able to get me the (Xbox) discs 2 days after release. The discs are C-op/Multi and Campaign. Does one of these contain the HD textures? Or is it an XBL download?
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