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November 11, 2011

Battlefield 3 Only $37 for Black Friday at Target

Target just released all of their deals for Black Friday "Doorbusters". It revealed a lot of deals on gaming and guess what game was part of a deal? Battlefield 3! The deal for Battlefield 3 is really great too. Battlefield 3 on Black Friday will be sold at Target for only $37 USD as well as other new releases such as Gears of War 3 and Madden 2012 for Xbox 360 and PS3. So for you guys out there with a couple dollars short of $60 dollars for Battlefield 3 will be able to pick up this game for $23 less than retail. This is great for even us so we have more people to beat down on it BF3!
Tell us what you think about this insane one day price-cut for Battlefield 3 in the comments below.

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Ofcourse I already have the game since release date :) and we don't have Black Friday or a Target here anyway

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