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November 20, 2011

Screenshot of the Day Announcement

We started Screenshots of the day a couple weeks back but never got a firm push to get it really going. So we are posting the first 3 screenshots of the day so you can see how it works. Then you can submit your funny, epic, awesome, or anything you find interesting battlefield screenshot to us at for the world to see! Get to submitting!

Screenshot of the Day #1

                  Description: The blinding light of the Tactical light in BF3 is finally being patched!
                  Title: Portable sun!
                  Date Submitted: 11-08-11
                  Author: Alex McIntosh

Screenshot of the Day #2

                  Description: The destruction brought by Frostbite 2.0 is amazing. And in original BF2 maps, its just that much better!
                  Title: Amazing Back to Karkand Destruction!
                  Date Submitted: 11-09-11
                  Author: Coleman

Screenshot of the Day #3

                  Description: The bulldozer in the upcoming Back to Karkand looks cool, but won't be effective :(
                  Title:The dreaded Bulldozer!?!
                  Date Submitted: 11-11-11
                  Author: Johnman


Actually no. Was in the works before they posted their first. And its not copying anyways. Did they patent the idea?

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