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January 16, 2012

Battlefield 3 Core Gameplay Designer Leaving BF3

Today, the Battlefield 3 Core Gameplay Designer, Alan Kertz aka 'Demize99' tweeted that he will no longer be part of the Battlefield 3 team. But he adds, "And no, I'm not leaving DICE. Just departing from the team that's still diligently working on BF3" to make sure no one gets confused that he is leaving DICE.
Alan Kertz was the guy behind most of the gun and balancing tweaking for Battlefield 3's multiplayer. He defiantly was a big part of the team. The job of Gameplay Designer will still be in the "capable hands" of the two other Gameplay Designers Gustav Halling and Tim Kjell. They have already had years of experience in this position, so there should be no problem in them executing the job just as Alan did.

But one thing still remains mysterious. Will he be working on the long awaited Mirrors Edge? Maybe tweaking it for a announcement? Or will be be working on the next Battlefield game, such as Battlefield:2143 or Bad Company 3? We have asked him this question, hoping for an answer. If we get any answer we will be sure to relay the news back to this site.

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