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January 22, 2012

Battlefield 3 on PSVita

Have you been dying to seen Battlefield 3 on a mobile device? Well here is you first look. A YouTube user named Homer49 posted a video of him playing Battlefield 3 Co-op on his PSVita. Even though this video is all in Spanish, we can still see what Battlefield 3 would look like on a Mobile device. I honestly think it looks awesome. 

But sadly, this isn't exactly the PSVita version of the game. Its playing on the PS3, and then remotely being played as a sort of interactive monitor on the PSVita. But there have been rumors that Battlefield 3 will surface on the PSVita after the release in the US. 

This video basically shows us how the PSVita platform would be a great addition for Battlefield and FPS games in general. The game just plays so smoothly and nice. Tell us what you think about the PSVita being a new addition to platforms in the FPS genre in the comments below.

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