If you don't know what a "Veteran Status" is it basically shows how many if any other Battlefield games you own. It serves as a way to reward players who have continued to support the Battlefield franchise for years. I personally own 1942, Battlefield 2, 2142, Bad Company, Bad Company 2(PS3), Bad Company 2(PC). There are all fantastic games which can be easily enjoyed. Recently though some new players are shunning us old by stating we should not be honored to be bestowed a veteran. I for one state that we should be honored we are called veterans for a reason. True is most veterans are 2-5 times deadlier on the Battlefield. Personally to me your not considered a veteran if the only Battlefield games you own have the words Bad Company in them. I don't mean to start a riot or anything (I probably have) but understand those are just my PC elitist instincts kicking in. I even own a PS3 and sometimes think of other players as dirty console peasants who wither under my glorious PC gamer master race (lol). Don't be angry or embarrassed because in reality there will always be people like me. Hey and when Battlefield 4 or Bad Company 3 comes out you can look down on the new players as well so you have that to look forward to!
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Written By Fran Figueroa